Four-thousand people —
Four-thousand is our current rough average of impoverished and homeless people being fed daily by your donations and donations of a few supporting organizations in Ethiopia.
I was personally in awe of God’s provision when this need became apparent and 1200 people were being provided a single life-sustaining meal a day. Yet now 4000 are being fed (5000 projected).
my hope is in The Lord — It has to be.
I see immovable mountains, and I know God sees opportunities to show His power, provision, and care through whatever avenue He chooses. Please lift this need up in prayer with me. I feel I’ve asked so very much of our amazing supporters…
I pray God will show where else to seek His provision — churches, businesses…? I’m currently uncertain. Yet, I know it matters enough to keep seeking.
These pictures show our newly rented compound and building of a second outdoor kitchen. More precious people being fed means more space needed to prepare food.
God shows the need, and we say, “Yes, Lord”.
Now to see His mighty provision…