About Us
Who we are
One Changed Life is a 501 (c)(3) organization that was founded in 2010 by Josh and Jill Quaade while they were adopting their second eldest daughter who is from Ethiopia. We are managed by a board of six Christian men and women who feel called to love people without borders in the name of Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to minister to men, women, and children by caring for and feeding both the spiritual and physical body in hopes of having lives changed in Christ and providing hope for the future, one life at a time.
We began partnered with Resurrection Orphan and Widows Service, our in-country sister organization that facilitates our Christian Child Sponsorship Program and Widows Empowerment Ministry.
As time has progressed and policies have changed in Ethiopia, a second sister organization, Lifegate Evangelical Ministry was founded to provide Bible study education for our sponsorship children, humanitarian aid (food, clothes, sanitation, and medical help) as well as Bible study and discipleship programs to predominantly street boys and men, but also street girls and women in search of respite.
In Ethiopia, the teams working directly with the children are directed by Ewenetu Demisee, a past troubled kid who shared much of the street kid lifestyle in Ethiopia, who knows personally, the amazing changing and healing power of Jesus Christ.
What We Do
Through the programs we support, One Changed Life provides
- Sponsorship for impoverished children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sponsorship empowers kids to be able to go to school and stay in school by paying school fees and providing required uniforms and school supplies, supplementing families dietary needs by providing flour and oil monthly, providing basic sanitation needs such as body soap and laundry soap, providing medical help when needed, providing periodic field trips as residual funds allow, and most importantly, providing access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Business and household management classes for widows and impoverished single mothers allowing them to gain independence and self-sustainability for their families.
- Daily meals for street men and boys following daily devotions allowing both the body and soul to be fed.
- Discipleship, job training, and accountability for street men.
- Housing and schooling for street boys willing to accept “parental” guidance and accountability.
How You Can Help?
- Pray for the men, women, and children of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, that they may know Christ and find hope for the future.
- Child sponsorship – $20/month to help enable a child to stay with their own families. Funds cover monthly food, school fees/supplies, medical assistance, access to bible study and mentorship, and possible field trips as residual funds allow (cost of food and supplies fluctuate and sometimes extra funds remain at the end if the year).
- Widows empowerment support-.$10/month. Funds are pooled and eligible women receive job training and business management skills which allow them to build a personal businesses and provide for their families.
- Street men/boys program sponsorship. Monthly donation of your choice that can be designated to paying for:
A. The salaries of those working directly with the boys and men who come in off the streets.
B. Rent for the compound we use for holding food distribution, feeding program for street men and boys, bible studies/ Awana, and transit shelter location.
C. Meals for street men and boys. There are currently about 450 meals being prepared weekly which costs roughly $1200 a month.
One time donation of your choice. We appreciate any gift. General gifts cover wire fees, missed sponsorship payments, office supplies, etc. We do not use specified gifts/ sponsorships for administration fees. All work done by our US team is fully voluntary and salaries for our Ethiopian sister organizations are intended to be competitive and reasonable as suggested by the Ethiopian government.